Wednesday, 28 January 2009

thots & feelings and a lecture

This car with its Mondrian style paint job is symbolic of avant garde - moving forward. Moving away from dead values of society, but who choses?
I've been getting a bit of OCD about all this dust. I am very aware of it on my hands and I keep washing them. I scrutinise areas and find dust everywhere. When I look around a room the first thing I notice is the dust - this is unintentional and its making me feel a bit weird. Then lo and behold the H&C lectures started talking stuff is everywhere.

Francis spoke about "The Bauhaus". part of the mindset was a fear of dirt and dust. Shared environments create combinations of dust. Whose dust? It creates unhygeneic diseases like TB. She mentions a hospitalisation of society and the environment. Avante Garde mentality was a campaign against dirt and squallor. Designers produced gleaming surfaces. AG texts were idealistic and psychological. Bearing in mind this was in 1919-1933 tho still relevent today.

I liked the idea of Mondrians "balance" and sense of unity rather than heirarchy. Seeing the world as different elements as oppossed to a stratification of class. Of raising standards for everyone not just an elite group. This level of thinking was revolutionary at the time. It makes me think about the impact artists have on society and how their message can play a part in social change etc... It seems very political for my wee mind. But im well interested. Im trying to think about what my message is.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting, the seeds of a political movement perhaps? An artistic movement? the Dusters? Dustism? The Dustists?
