Monday 2 February 2009

Tom Phillips

Tom phillips said "When theres hardly anything left theres always a mark". He made a drawing as a film. It was of nothing in particular. He completed the drawing and then began to rub it out. Gradually he was left with the" scars of history" and a pile of dust on the floor. Some of it is charcoal, chalk, oose, food fragments, body bits, sawdust. These were all part of something bigger at one point. Dust marks are interesting. Repeating marks in different ways, namely different versions of the dust marks. I suppose there is also the idea of mortality in dust. A reminder of were we will ultimately end up. Phillips talks about the park bench being an emblem of mortality - people sitting about waiting to die. This got me thinking about looking at my dust in new angles. Im thinking that wether or not my dust is art; the process involved is art.

1 comment:

  1. The madness of art right enough. Like your artist references, and your preambles/rambles - good insight into your thinking.
